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Start of an alley oop

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We think that knowledge should pass freely.

This time, we got the following crossword puzzle clue: Start of an alley oop that also known as Start of an alley oop dictionary.  First, we gonna look for more hints to the Start of an alley oop crossword puzzle. Then we will collect all the required information and for solving Start of an alley oop crossword .  In the final, we get all the possible answers for the this crossword puzzle definition.

Some others credit David Thompson as the first player to execute the classic alley-oop play while at North Carolina State University, with his teammates Monte Towe and Tim Stoddard performing the necessary lob passes. NCSU's Thompson popularized the play during the early 1970s, exploiting his 44-inch vertical leap to make the above-the-rim play a recurring staple in the Wolfpack's offensive attack. Because dunking was illegal in college basketball at that time, upon catching the pass, Thompson would simply drop the ball through the hoop – never dunking one until the final play of the final home game of his career. You are looking for the word LOB.


Here are more similar crossword definitions:

Tennis stroke,
High tennis shot,
Wimbledon stroke,
High tennis hit;
High-arc shot,
Tennis stratagem,

Solution 3 letters: LOB, ACE, ALL, CAN, LET, OAR, SET, SUN
Solution 4 letters: CAST, FINE, LOVE, PLEA, SEND, TOSS
Solution 5 letters: ATTIC, SCRAP

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