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Animal also known as a hog-nosed coon

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We think that knowledge should pass freely.

This time, we got the following crossword puzzle clue: Animal also known as a hog-nosed coon that also known as Animal also known as a hog-nosed coon dictionary.  First, we gonna look for more hints to the Animal also known as a hog-nosed coon crossword puzzle. Then we will collect all the required information and for solving Animal also known as a hog-nosed coon crossword .  In the final, we get all the possible answers for the this crossword puzzle definition.

The raccoon is a mammal of the order Carnivora, the Procyonidae family and the genus Nasua. The group is distributed from Arizona to northern Argentina, owning three species: Nasua Nasua, and narica Nasua Nasua nelsoni. The word is derived from the Tupi akwa'tim term, which means "pointy nose" . Nasua comes from the Latin nasus, "nose" . It is a reference to the long snout of the genus. This Mammal, has a longer nose and a more elongated body. With legs that resemble remotely the Bears, very useful for climbing in trees. It is yellowish-gray, but very variable, with very red, black muzzle and feet almost black and others, tail 55 cm, with seven to eight black rings


Here are more similar crossword definitions:

Long-snouted critter,
Raccoon resembler,
Mammal of tropical America;
Tropical ring-tailed critter,
South American mammal,
Raccoonlike mammal,

Solution 3 letters: 
Solution 4 letters: BEAR, COON
Solution 5 letters: COATI
Solution 6 letters: 
Solution 7 letters: 
Solution 9 letters: HONEYBEAR

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