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Sharknado channel

Mordo - Crosswords Solutions. 
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We think that knowledge should pass freely.

This time, we got the following crossword puzzle clue: Sharknado channel that also known as Sharknado channel dictionary.  First, we gonna look for more hints to the Sharknado channel crossword puzzle. Then we will collect all the required information and for solving Sharknado channel crossword .  In the final, we get all the possible answers for the this crossword puzzle definition.

The sharks square measure haphazardly flung around, esurient folks and inflicting mass destruction in mid-air. Thomas Reid plays Gregorian calendar month Wexler, one amongst the film's main characters. Gregorian calendar month is that the ex-wife of Fin, the film's actor and a la bar owner. The couple reunites to research a series of unconventional accidents that involve sharks falling from the sky and terrorizing the voters of la. Thomas Reid delivers her lines during this camp adventure story with conviction and proves that she still has what it takes to be a comedic histrionic. "Sharknado" channel has attained cult standing due to a infectious agent promoting campaign and lots of buzz around its Syfy channel debut.


Here are more similar crossword definitions:

Network that brings you the movie "Piranhaconda",
"Imagine Greater" cable channel,
"Ghost Mine" airer,
"Ghost Hunters" channel;
"Ghost Hunters" network,
"Imagine greater" cable network,

Solution 3 letters: 
Solution 4 letters: SYFY

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