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Condensed vapeur

Mordo - Crosswords Solutions. 
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We think that knowledge should pass freely.

This time, we got the following crossword puzzle clue: Condensed vapeur that also known as Condensed vapeur dictionary.  First, we gonna look for more hints to the Condensed vapeur crossword puzzle. Then we will collect all the required information and for solving Condensed vapeur crossword .  In the final, we get all the possible answers for the this crossword puzzle definition.

A vapour is a substance in the gas phase at a temperature lower than its critical temperature. 1 this means that the vapour can be condensed to a liquid or to a solid by increasing its pressure, without reducing the temperature. The answer you are looking for is water in French, which means you are looking for the world EAU.

For example, water has a critical temperature of 374º C (or 647 K) which is the highest temperature at which liquid water can exist. In the atmosphere, in normal temperatures, however, water in gaseous state is known as water vapour and willcondense to liquid if its partial pressure is increased sufficiently.


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Solution 3 letters: EAU, THE, MER, VIN
Solution 4 letters: SERE, RAIN, LAIT, EAUX, RHUM
Solution 5 letters: SHADE, VICHY, BIERE

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